March 1, 2017
Spring 2017
Geotube project completes 4th straight winter storm season with zero erosion at toe of bluff. As designed, the sand covering the geotubes washes away in larger storms requiring a regrading of the sand supply from above to reset the system. SBPF monitors the geotubes regularly and after every storm.
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December 1, 2016
December 2016
Annual Monitoring Report submitted to Nantucket Conservation Commission per our permit. Report includes data on sacrificial sand supplied to and washed away from the project, extent of erosion in adjacent unprotected areas, the state of the shoreline along a 6 mile stretch from Low Beach to Wauwinet which we have monitored for 25 years, the state of the ocean bottom near project (bathymetry and video monitoring), the state of the wetlands at the top of the bluff, the state of the invertebrates near the project, and more.
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September 1, 2016
Fall 2016
SPBF has been investigating the possibility of dredging sand from offshore to provide sand for the template that covers the geotubes. Work is also currently underway to plan for the permitting and construction of an additional 1800 feet of geotubes to protect Baxter road further south.
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March 1, 2016
Spring 2016
SBPF was finally granted approval to construct a drainage system on the side of Baxter Road, redirecting surface runoff so it is no longer causing erosion from the top of the bluff.
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September 1, 2015
Fall 2015
The fourth geotube tier was installed. SBPF originally requested that the ConCom permanently approve the three tiers of geotubes already in place and allow for the addition of a fourth tier. A fourth tier was approved in November. Experts have indicated that the height of four tiers of geotubes (allowing the top to reach 26 feet on the Mean Low Water datum, which is approximately 16 feet above the base of the bluff, or approximately less than one-fourth the vertical height of the bluff) provides the highest level of protection for the Bluff and Baxter Road.
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March 1, 2015
Spring 2015
To address upper bank erosion SBPF sought and won approval for plating native vegetation (such as American beachgrass) with strong root systems to reduce the susceptibility of the Bluff to erosion from wind, rain and stormwater runoff. Planting the face of the Bluff above the 947' geotube installation has had an extremely positive impact and is aesthetically pleasing.
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March 1, 2014
March 2014
A severe late winter Nor’easter storm and blizzard hits Nantucket; geotubes performed as expected with some loss of sand template and no erosion at toe of bluff. Some face erosion above the geotubes continued.
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January 1, 2014
January 2014
SBPF files for approval for the full geotube project (4 tiers of geotubes with returns and re-vegetation of the bluff face).
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December 1, 2013
December 2013
The Con Com approves a compromise Emergency Certification for three tiers of geotubes along 900 feet of highly endangered Bluff.